About Us

Jacki Caskey, I’m a wife and a mother to 4 kids. Its important to know that God has been intertwining my story with horses from the very beginning. I am adopted and the sole reason I ended up with the family I did, was horses. God used horses to shape my life dramatically from the start. I grew up trail riding horses with my family, with no real formal training, just jumping on in the saddle or bareback and heading out on the trail. Once I was grown and finding my own way, horses faded from my story, and life and marriage and kids happened. I wasn’t sure if I would ever be lucky enough to get own horses again. After a couple of years on the mission field in Costa Rica, God landed us in Denver. As we settled a new life and tried to build community, my oldest, Norah, wanted to take horseback riding lessons. I was thrilled and made a quick promise, unsure if I could really keep it. I told Norah if she kept up lessons for 3 years, we would buy her a horse, but she had to be serious about lessons. Covid hit and all the rest joined in the horseback riding fun, and low and behold, Norah remembered that promise I gave 3 years prior. And then came Pearl...and our whole world changed. God used Pearl to draw me to Him in ways that I didn’t see coming. This little painted horse trotted into my life and gave me a whole new perspective, one that I want to share with whoever will listen. God has been faithful and has weaved horses back into my life and my family’s life when I didn’t think it was possible. My hope is to share God with others through the transformative hope of horsemanship

Jacki Caskey

Co Founder

Haylie Schreiber, A wife and mother of two beautiful kids. It's my prayer that I will be the best example in stewarding God's plan for our lives and that all things are possible for those who believe. I grew up with a hay field in front of our house. Watching horses running around. Dreaming of owning my own. I eventually started riding at 6 years old. My riding lessons teacher was the one person I looked up to in many ways. Once I got my own horse's I started participating in rodeos and became the president of my 4H club. Through the challenges of life I drifted away from my biggest passion. I completing school and pursuing my career. Got married and had two kids. I was than in a wondering season of what was next in life. At a church conference God revealed a dream I always had but never thought it was possible. Starting a nonprofit with horsemanship and discipleship. I am stepping out in all faith, trusting God is behind this vision. I felt him say that the time is now. That seemed so radical to me because I had absolutely nothing to start this up. God instantly started showing up and paving the way. It is truly my prayer that many lives will be impacted by our mission and it will cause ripple effects to everyone around them bring heaven on earth.

Haylie Schreiber


Pearl Rock Ranch 

Est. 2023

The Bible uses pearls to symbolize God's love and grace. Pearls are pure, beautiful, and rare, just like God's love for His children. They can also represent our own purity and beauty before Him. Pearls are also a symbol of wealth and royalty, which reminds us that God treasures us more than anything else. Matthew 13:45-46 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it. We are God's pearls!

The bible uses the rock as a symbol of fortress, stability, strength, not easily moved or shaken, and a refuge for those in need. Psalms 18:1-2I love you, Lord; you are my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my place of safety. 

It is our prayer that everyone will remember that they are God's pearl and their foundation is firm in God. We might not have all the answers but these key scriptures we believe can help all of us throughout or walk. As you grow deeper in Faith we are so excited to also equip you in horsemanship.  Learning and understanding such big beautiful animals. How they work, think, and live. How to talk to a horse and become a leader of your horse. Learning to be a team. Building confidence, pouring out love,

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