Meet The Herd


Pearl is a 7 year old, 14.2 hand, white and sorrel tobiano American Paint Horse mare, bred from cutting horse stock. Though she is little, she is quick and powerful. However, her most defining quality is her sweet demeanor. She desires connection with people, which makes her particularly good at liberty work. She is also a smooth little mover with a comfortable trot and a rocking horse lope.


Abel is a 7 year old, 15 hand, grey Quarter Horse gelding. Abel spent his earliest years learning how to do ranch work, including sorting and rounding up cattle. Abel is curious and inquisitive and brimming with confidence. He is also sensitive, willing to give a try with the slightest cue. But Abel also has some attitude when it comes to other horses, and has a larger personal space bubble. Any kind of treat you can give him, he will gladly take.


Joe is a 17 year old, 15 and a half hand bay Quarter Horse gelding. Joe has spend most of his life on a Montana cattle ranch being roped off of. Joe knows how to work hard. He also stands out as a leader in the herd. Though Joe is big, stout and strong, when it comes to little kids, he is the biggest softy out there. He picks up quickly who’s riding him and is able to intuitively adjust to the rider.


Mack is a 10 year old, 16 hand, bay Quarter Horse mare. Mack has spend most of her life as a working cow horse on a ranch in Montana. When you hear the horse term “kind eye” (for communicating that a horse had a calm kindness to them by looking at their eyes), that’s Mack. She has a calm sweetness about her that gives her the ability to get along with most any horse in the herd. Though she is a calm horse, she has a sensitive spirit, only requiring the lightest touch to her to get moving.

Follow our Journey

Follow my lead: Pursing God through horsemanship

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